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President Greeting

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President Greeting

In this extremely difficult period of an unprecedented economic crisis, which has hit mainly the SMEs, which daily struggle for their survival, it is imperative to boost the role of the Chamber of Magnesia, in order to serve, support and truly promote the interests of our members.

Our goal is to make the Chamber the delegate of all businesses and sectors while proposing positions and solutions to the intense and multiple problems that they encounter.
The private sector, is currently the only one that can boost the Greek economy and support growth and employment. In order to exploit the opportunities of the private sector a more secure and healthy business environment should carve out, with fewer taxes, less bureaucracy, with simpler and clear rules.

The Chamber of Magnesia has more than 15,000 members of all productive sectors, which significantly contribute to our local economy and indeed deserve a better treatment. It is our duty - to seek every day – the transformation of our organisation into a true assistant and business advisor, offering high - quality contributory services.

In our constant effort to upgrade our services and to our members, included the creation of our new website. With new design look and simplified menu navigation, the new website of our Chamber, beyond modern aesthetic, offering each visitor the opportunity to draw detailed and useful information about our services, our actions, our operations and up to date business news.

In addition, through the use of new digital services, our members have the ability to build free websites to promote businesses, use the business registry to find any company and apply online for participating in educational seminars. The last service through an automated processes, simplify the process of participation and limit the administrative support costs.

In addition, the creation and interconnection of the major social media channels (facebook, twitter), allow direct and timely information as required by modern international trends.
Our goal is to create a live page, easy and enjoyable that will be a source of information for the entire business community of our region.

Finally, I would like to emphasize that in the difficult battle against the crisis no one should be left over. With unity and right decisions, our country can secure a better future.

The President
Aristotelis Basdanis


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  • Monday and Wednesday:
    07:00 – 15:00 και 18:00 – 20:00
    Tuesday, Thursday και Friday:
    07:00 – 15:00

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